
Monday, December 31, 2012

Another personal favorite~ Pig-Tails for Long Hair

2013 is less than an hour away!

Happy New Year, everybody!

While I'm sitting here waiting for the clock to strike, I thought I would post another of my personal favorite hairstyles~ pig-tails for really long hair!  I have so many pictures and a hard time deciding which ones to leave out~ maybe I'll just post them all...

(Not quite all...believe it or not I did leave a couple out :-)
Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you have a wonderful start to the new year! I guess this will be my last post for 2012...


  1. those are really cute :) How did you do them?

  2. Thank you! First I pinned the front section of my hair with bobby pins to make a little poof. Then I put my hair into two low ponytails. On the first ponytail, I folded my hair up to make the length of my ponytail as long as I wanted it to be, then I wrapped the excess hair around the base of my ponytail and clipped it in place with a hairclip. I did the same thing on the next ponytail. Hopefully this makes sense!

  3. Your information about long hair and different hairstyle is good and useful. you can also look How To Make New Hairstyle In Hindi
