
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Waterfall Braided Updo~ my Christmas Day hairstyle


Merry Christmas!

We had such a great Christmas Day, celebrating with friends and family. I hope your day was as special and memorable as mine was~ and full of good food, too!

I had a new Christmas dress (picture below) and wanted to fix my hair in a style that would match. So I tried a waterfall braid with a braided bun. Following the steps that I learned from Lilith Moon's video, I made a waterfall braid but zig-zagged it from one side of my head to the other, and then back again. In a waterfall braid you leave one of the main pieces out of your braid. I would add these left-over sections of hair into the lower levels of the braid. I hope this makes sense! Doing this created a basket-weave effect~ here are some pictures so you can hopefully see what I mean:






How did I keep all the sections straight, you ask? I used the double-mirror trick~ our bathroom has a mirror over the sink and a mirror on the front of the door, so I can stand in front of one and see the back of my head in the other. Very handy, no pun intended. :-)

Thanks so much for looking! I hope the rest of your Christmas week is filled with fun times and new, good memories for years to come.

2013 is almost here!


  1. How long does it take you to do these?

  2. It took me about 20 minutes, if I remember correctly. So not as long as you'd think! The key was being able to see what I was doing in the mirrors.

    1. That is a shorter amount of time than I imagined. I guess you've had a lot of practice being a long time long hair. Haha, say that 5 times fast.

    2. Haha, that is a mouth-full to say! Yes, I was surprised I could actually do it. I've done this look on a doll before, but this was my first time to try it out on myself. I really like waterfall braids~ thank goodness for Lilith explaining the technique involved!

  3. This is a really beautiful design. It makes me want to master the waterfall braid, something I keep putting off because letting go of strands goes against all my braiding instincts.

    I'm glad you had a great Christmas, and I look forward to seeing more inspiring hair styles in the new year :)

    MistysMess on LHC

    1. Hi Misty~ Thank you so much! I know what you mean about the waterfall braid~ when I first saw it I couldn't imagine how in the world it was done. Then I watched Lilith Moon's video and she explained it. I hope you had a good Christmas too and that you have a fun, happy New Year :-)
