
Friday, January 25, 2013

Length Pictures~ January 2013

Some length shots taken this morning~ a couple of stills and then some hair-action pictures on the new tree swing :-)  I hope you have a fun-filled week-end!


  1. The pictures of you on the tree swing just awesome :)

    1. Thank you so much! I had fun, you can tell :-)

  2. Your hair is amazing! So healthy and such a thick hemline. I saw your post originally on the lhc, and I wondered whether you can pleeease help me. I have been trying to get on the lhc for some time now but I never received the activation email (therefore I cannot post, comment, change my profile, view others profiles, start a forum, comment on a forum etc!) I have emailed the website several times to no avail. I have no other way to get in contact with anyone! What I am asking is could you please post on the lhc my problem so that the administrators can see it? I would be eternally grateful. My username is majormiles. Sorry to clog up your wonderful blog! I hope you can help me, thank you!

    1. Hi~ thanks for your comments! I'm sorry about the trouble you've been having. I've heard that a lot of other people are having the same problems~ the server has been down on LHC and they are having trouble responding to emails/sending activation emails, also there is trouble with the photo albums. I read that it should be fixed in a few weeks? Maybe you can check back then~ sorry about that! I'm part of the LHC group on Facebook so I can ask there and let you know what they say.

    2. Me again :-) I asked the folks at LHC, and here is the reply: "'This is a case of our email system still being down. Without that it cannot send emails for things like registration confirmation emails or password reset requests. We've been told that it is being worked on, but there wasn't an ETA given.'So, if you're waiting, just sit tight. LHC is a big site and the upgrade was a major deal. Eventually all of the bugs will be ironed out.'"
      So I guess it might be a little while before the problem is fixed. So sorry about that!

  3. She is correct! The site just went through a major upgrade/overhaul and a few of the features haven't been brought back online yet. Among those are the photo albums and the email system. This is unfortunate, as this means that only registered members with a successful login can report bugs and glitches and problems to the admins and moderators, in the Site Support forum. But if you have questions or comments regarding any of the LHC issues, let one of us know and we can post for you. :)

    At this time, the moderators still do not know when the email system will be back up and running. LHC is such a massive site and it cost a lot of time and energy to upgrade it. We are very lucky that, as overloaded as the previous servers had been for some time, we did not lose all of our photos and blog data completely.

  4. Also, I would love to add that I think the photo of yourself in the swing, with your hair flowing out behind you is just breathtaking! You have some of the most beautiful hair I have ever seen!

  5. hair also that long.but its in black color..visit my youtube site please..

    thankyou..nice to know there is another girl with long hair..^_^

    1. Thank you for the link! Your hair is very pretty :-)

    2. U have amazing long beautiful hair i love it u should keep groeing it

    3. U have such wonderful beautiful hair

  6. when i saw first picture of your hair, i think this is inspiration from internet . Your hair look awesome!

  7. Hey Andrea!
    I really like the pictures, I had waist long hair but it got to tangled (now it's shoulder length) I really like your blog and I will check it again! :D

  8. your hair is a gorgeous as jjj longhair's

  9. Thank you all so much for the kind comments on my post :-)

  10. I am astonished to see this hair length of yours. This is possible only if your hairfall is under control.
