
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Loose Fishtail Bun

Happy Palm Sunday!

Last night after I washed my hair I gave it a final rinse with apple cider vinegar (a few spoonfuls to several cups of water).  This morning my hair was so soft, I almost couldn't do anything with it.  I wanted to make a zig-zag fishtail braid, but I ended up turning it into this loose fishail braided bun.  You can see it took two hairclips to make my bun stay in place!  ACV rinses (used sparingly!) are the best way to get baby-soft hair :-)

Thanks so much for looking!  Happy Easter <3


  1. Hello,
    I visited your blog.
    Congratulations for your work!! An interesting and nice blog!!
    Good luck with your blog!
    Happy Easter to you and your family!!
    Greetings from Algarve, Portugal
    Paulo Gonçalves

    I invite you to visit my blog

    1. Thank you so much :-) Happy Easter to you, too!

  2. Your hair is so beautiful! If you don't mind me asking, where do you get your hair clamps and butterfly clips from? I love them! Butterflies are my favorite. :) Have a blessed day!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much :-) I get my hairclips here on my islands~ there is a store that sells them. I've also got some from a store on-line, Sophia's Style. They have beautiful hairclips and jewels available. The link is
