
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Coronet Braid

Hello everybody,

My sister has really long blonde hair, and one of her favorite hairstyles is this beautiful coronet braid.  She just makes a simple English braid at the nape of her neck, wraps it around her head, and pins it in place with bobby pins.  Here are some pictures we took today:


  1. It's really beautiful and suits her very well. Her hair is about classic length or tailbone, isn't it?

    1. Thank you, I'll tell her you said so :-) Actually her hair is about knee-length~ in fact, I took some length pictures today and will be posting them soon.

    2. Oh, now I see, that her braid is longer than I was thinking at first. So both of you have awesome hair. I would looking forward to see her length pictures. :)

  2. I love this hairstyle too! So simple and elegant. Knee length hair is amazing. I will wait for her pictures too :) And her side kind of bangs is so cool. How did she cut them that way?

    1. Thanks so much! I asked my sister how she cuts her bangs like this, and she said she took the edge hair closest to her face and cut it diagonally from the top-center down to behind her ears. This way they start shorter close to the top of her head, but get gradually longer. She trims them every so often so they stay wispy but not too long, framing her face even if her hair is pulled back or in an updo. Hopefully this makes sense~ if you have any questions let me know and I'll try to explain better :-) We're so glad to share these hairstyle pictures with you! Thanks for all your kind comments.
