
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Florida Herringbone Bun

Hello friends!

As you may have guessed, I'm traveling in America this month and have been a little sporadic with my hair posts.  Here are some pictures of my Florida-morning hairstyle from a few days ago~ I made two small French braids with the front sections of my hair, then piled the rest of my hair into a high-middle ponytail.  I braided my ponytail into a fishtail (or herringbone) braid, and wrapped it up into a big bun.  Then I took the ends of my two French braids and wrapped them around the herringbone bun.  When I was finished, I held everything in place with bobby pins and a jewel hair fork.  Once again, a hairstyle with two of my favorite looks~ herringbone braid and small French braids as accents :-)


  1. How pretty! Very neat and classy. I miss my long hair... whenever it gets below waist length I start getting bad headaches from the weight of it and eventually have to cut it back to shoulder. But I am going to try (a semblance of) this one anyways, because it's so pretty! :D

  2. This is so pretty... as always.. :) I might something like this today..

  3. that's such a pretty fork! where did you get it?

    1. I had forgotten about this post! Thank you for commenting~ I got my hair fork from a place on-line called Sophia's Styles. They sell a lot of stuff for little girls, but have beautiful hair accessories for a reasonable price!
