
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Length Pictures~ December 2014

Hello friends,

Since I'm almost at 300,000 pageviews, I thought I would upload new length pictures in honor of the occasion.  Right now my hair is practically floor-length, in fact I stepped on it a few times when we were taking these pictures.  This seemed like a great opportunity take pictures at this length, before I trim it back to ankle-length.  Thank you so much for following my hair blog!  I appreciate all your kind comments, too~ it's great sharing these photos with all of you!
     Be warned, there are a lot of pictures!

(Since it's Christmas time, here is a little Santa picture for you, my dog Wimsey.)


  1. That is amazing! You have most beautiful hair i have ever seen.
    I can only imagine how nice would be to see your hair in some braid hairstyle ( like a braid made of 3 braids or 3-4 braids loose) that show the entire lenght of your beatiful hair! Maybe one day we can admire some photo of that.
    have a nice day!

  2. Oh... beautiful! I hope that my hair will be the same in the future...

  3. Ah, your hair is just gorgeous! Ever since I discovered your blog, I've been growing out my hair; it's at about mid-back right now, but I'm planning to grow it to around bum length. Do you ever leave your hair like this during the day?

  4. Thank you all so much! That is a good idea for a hairstyle, gigiasd. And Sarah, thank you! I put my hair up again when we were done taking pictures. Otherwise I might have kept stepping on it all day! I did get it trimmed a couple of inches this morning, so now it is evenly just brushing ankle-length.

  5. Beautiful photos, Andrea! Just curious, how long did it take for your hair to grow from ankle length to floor length? Also, is this the longest your hair has ever been?

    Congratulations on surpassing 300,000 page views!

    1. Thank you so much! The last time I took length pictures was in May of this year, and I think I've trimmed it once or twice since then. So I guess a few months or so. Yes, this is as long as I've let it get. (I did trim it back an inch or two after these pictures, to give it that nice even look that I like.) Thanks again for all your views and kind comments. Merry Christmas!

  6. Oh thank you for showing these beautiful pictures of you gorgeous hair. And congrats for so many views! Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you so much, on both counts! Merry Christmas to you, too <3
