
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Rainbow Ponytail~ demo video on Youtube!

Hi friends,

I hope that you have had a beautiful day today!  This morning I made a new demo video outside, after getting a request from a friend who follows my blog that I make a video featuring this hairstyle.  I love this sectioned-ponytail look; it makes your hair look super long and your hair doesn't tangle easily like a loose ponytail.
     Thank you so much for following my posts and my videos! If you have any comments, I would love to hear from you.



  1. Hi Andrea thanka for sharing yet another amazing hairstyle and video. It looks absolutely beautifiul as usual. Your dress and flip flops looks really nice and elegant too. Hope you have a fab day God bless you 😍

  2. Hi Andrea, loved this video and hairstyle - how did you get each segment at similar length, that's impressive! Also loved your photos with the children at the church - so wonderful to see you and your family serving those in need.

    Tips for next video - you've done quite a few braid/updo videos, but how about a video with your hair down, talking about your hair, why you have it so long, how you look after it, and what products you use? You could do a video when you trim your hair too.

    People would love to hear how you keep your hair so long and shiny! It is truly such a blessing!

    God bless, sister!

    1. Thank you very much, for your kind comments and also for the ideas of future videos!

  3. You have beautiful hair. I like it

  4. Andrea, not only do you have beautiful long hair, but you're a VERY pretty girl as well!
