
Friday, April 3, 2015

Half-way Hairstyle (half French braid, half side bun)

Hi friends,

Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers after the storm.  The work to clean and recover continues on, thanks to many helping hands <3
     I managed to fix my hair in a favorite hairstyle today, trying to match the feel of my new striped shirt.  I have a weakness for stripes, if you haven't noticed :-)  Thank you for coming by to see my pictures!  These were taken late in the afternoon, so I was a little bit tousled by then, haha.
     On another note, several friends have asked when I will upload a new hair video.  It may be a little while yet, as I am very busy right now.  But I was excited to find out that my Youtube channel now has 600 subscribers!  Thank you so much, my friends!  Several of my videos are very close to reaching the next 'thousand' mark, so if you have time maybe you can visit and give me a few views :-)



  1. Beautiful as always Andrea, your a true inspiration & a vision of all natural true beauty both inside and outside! Your work and ethics are so very inspiring and important. So a big thank you for all you are and all you do from one Christian to another :). Bless you always and I ant wait to see your new video. I hope to see your hair in a braid video dangling down to your ankles soon as it shows off your hairs amazing natural beauty. X

    1. Thank you so much, my sweet friend from the UK. You are so encouraging and kind. I wish you a very blessed Easter from Micronesia.
