
Sunday, June 14, 2015

3D Pull-Through Braid

Hi everyone,

Last night in my news feed on Facebook, I saw pictures of Haartraumfrisuren's newest hairstyle creation, what she called "Another Pullthrough Braid."  She learned it after watching Chikas Chic's Youtube tutorial video.  The pictures of this braid were so amazing and beautiful that I couldn't wait to try it out myself and see if I could do this look on my own hair.  I watched the video several times, and tonight I attempted to do it.  My sister helped hold the strands as I separated them out along the way, until I reached the point where I could bring the braid over my shoulder.  From then on I was able to finish it with no extra hands just by looking in my full-length mirror as I braided and tied off the different sections.  Here are the pictures we took of the finished look~ I would so love to wear my hair in this style to the Redhead Days in Breda in September!


  1. Wow, this looks great with your lenght!

    1. Thank you so much <3 Your hair is beautiful and your styles amazing :-) Thank you for sharing and for commenting on my post!

    2. You both are very beautyfull Andrea and Haartraum :-) :-) thanks for sharing the beauty of your long hair :-) :-) :-)

    3. Thank you so much, dear friend <3 <3

  2. Another astonishingly beauituful hairstyle Andrea, well done and also a big thank you to the beautiful Haatraum for the inspiration lol who also has such long beautiful hair as yours. Your hair looks so very very beauituful when let down or in a long elegant braid like this Andrea. You should wear it down more often :). Hope your well. X
