
Monday, June 8, 2015

Just for fun~ length pictures on the playground

Hello friends,

I've been thinking about taking some new length pictures, and today spontaneously became the day :-)  The playground was empty for a change, so I let my hair down and had some fun trying out the trapeze bar swing. Yes, it was as much fun as it looks!







  1. Wonderfull :-) :-) your hair looks super long and beautyfull xxx

  2. Wow Andrea your beauty and your hair are simply beyond words, any feeble words of mine could never ever fully describe your incrediable beauty justifiably :). Your amazing a truly natural & awe inspiring, completely natural angel!! When God made you he truly broke the mould.

    Your hair is beyond breathtakingley beautiful, it's so staggering and gorgeous. Please never ever cut your crowning glory. These pictures are by far my most favourite of your hair pics on your blog, I sincerely hope that you upload more and more length pictures more often. Your amazing and I'm glad you had so much fun today at the park lol.

    I've never ever seen a more beautiful woman in my life and even though I'm only 26 years old u doubt I ever will :). God bless you and your glorious, beautiufl mane. Your outer beauty stems from your inner beauty and never ending kindness and positivity 😍

    Sending you live and best wishes from me in the UK :).

    1. Adrian, thank you! You are so kind and generous with your compliments on both me and my hair, you always make me smile :-) Thank you for telling me never to cut my hair, I feel the same way and love keeping it long and healthy. My best wishes to you as well, from your true friend in Micronesia :-)

  3. Bless you Andrea & thank you. I'm so very glad you feel the same way about your hair and always want to keep it long and healthy. You sound like such an amazing person. I'd love to chat live to you sometime if ever possible. I'm hot on Facebook or Twitter sadly however. I only wish more and more womeb would have hiar like yours and be blessed with such inner as well as outer beauty which is so intoxicating lol.

    I don't know if your married or not or have a partner but if you do then he's quite possibly th luckiest man alive to be with you. But if not any man should consider himself extremely lucky as well as privileged to be with. I consider myself quite lucky just to be your online friend :). All the very best to you and I sincerely hope you consider what I've said. Adrian :) xx

    1. Oh Adrian, thank you so much! I'm so glad that we can be friends even from such a long way away :) <3

  4. it seems to be the same thing every day. Thanks so much for this cute idea that is different!
