
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Butterfly Braid

Hi friends,

I saw pictures of this hairstyle on the internet, and tried my own version today.  I love how easy it is to make this braided butterfly!  And instead of leaving my hair loose, I made a very low ponytail and then a pull-through braid.  It's loose enough that I can casually drape my braid over one shoulder.
     Thank you for following my blog!  I hope that you are having a lovely day.




  1. Wow Andrea! This is one of your most beautiful hair styles to date I believe. It's so amaing, intricate and elegant. Very well done Hun. The length and sheer awesome beauty of your hair continues to astound me and I dare say all of your fans the world over lol.

    Beautiiful hairstyle Andrea and many thank to you for sharing it with us. I hope your well and having a great week :) love always, Adrian x

    1. Thank you, Adrian, you're very sweet as always :) I knew when I saw pictures of this hairstyle on the internet that I wanted to try it out <3

  2. What a wonderfull hairstylle and offcourse that stylle with your hair make it extra beautyfull
    Thank you for sharing
    :) <3 <3

  3. You're very creative with your hair, I love what you did with it here!
