
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lasso Bun

Hi everyone,

Maybe instead I should say, howdy!  Today I divided my hair into two sections, then put the top section into a high bun.  I braided the lower section in a fishtail braid, then brought my braid up and wrapped it around my bun several times.  The fishtail braid looks like a rope lassoing my bun :-)  I think Woody and Jessie would approve of this hairstyle.



  1. Very beautifull bun dear friend :) <3
    Happy Sunday xxx

  2. Last Saturday I was giving the Christians of Hollywood some encouragement to keep living for God, while you aren't a famous Hollywood star, you are famous for your gorgeous long hair, and you're doing missionary work, so I want to encourage you to keep doing what you're doing, you took yourself from the comfort of the US, to a tropical land that's hot and they don't have the luxuries that we do in the US, I'm proud of you for giving those people the hope of Christ and leading people to Jesus, whether we ever meet here or up in heaven I'd love to hear about all your stories you've had in your travels. I love this hairstyle too, love the rope around the bun, how soft and heavy the bun must be!
