
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Dutch Braids in Nara, Japan

Hello dear friends,

     This week I am in Japan for a meeting, but also have time to visit new places and see amazing sights.  I have wanted to visit Nara ever since hearing about the "sacred deer" that roam freely through the area, and on Saturday my wish came true!  I wish you could have come along, but here are pictures from my time in Nara.  I'm so excited to share them with you here on my blog.  Thank you for visiting!

     In case you are wondering, my hairstyle is 3 Dutch braids with a blossom effect, and hair clips to hold my hair in place.


My personal favorite picture of a most amazing experience <3

Uh-oh, word got out there was more food left!


The lanterns have deer on them <3


Part of the crowd

Bambi lives!

More deer, this time with little children feeding sweet to watch <3

"Mr. Deer, oh Mr. Deer!"


Love the spelling :-)

A family outing <3

This deer was bowing to the people who would come up to read the sign!


  1. Beautifull pictures and a beautifull hairstylle , have a nice stay in Japan dear friend ��

    1. Thank you for always being so kind and encouraging <3 I'm very thankful that we are friends <3

    2. Thank you for the nice compliment dear friend , i am very thankful to being your friend
