
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tulips and Cherry Blossoms in Ashikaga Flower Park~ a perfect place to take hair pictures

Hi dear friends,

     My sister and I stopped in Japan for a few days on our way to the US, and today we visited our favorite flower park in Ashikaga, Japan.  I wore my hair in the cage braid like I shared a few days ago on my blog.  How beautiful to see the tulips in person, and meet new friends throughout the day.  If you ever visit Japan, be sure to visit Ashikaga Flower Park <3

My diy strawberry purse is very popular!



Inside the gift shop~

So cute!

My strawberry purse fits right in~

In a few weeks the wisteria will be blooming~

The sun is beginning to get low~


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  3. Such beautiful picture's dear Andrea
    Have a wonderfull time with your amazing sister Alisha in Japan
    And a safe traveling

  4. Andrea, just thinking now that you are an inspiration for so many people now, I wonder if you might talk more about the history of your hair growth; I think you mentioned that your mom was a photographer for you, did she have long hair? Did she or your parent inspire or encourage you to have long hair? There are so many women who keep their hair only at waist length, maybe talk about why you decided to grow yours to your length. Thanks.
